According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) statistics, about 2.3 million people worldwide die due to occupational accidents or diseases every year, which means that over 6000 deaths occur every day. Statistics from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia show that 3670 occupational accidents happened from January 2022 to June 2022; within these numbers, 102 are death cases, and 113 of the workers suffer from permanent disability. In fact, poor workplace safety and health are costly in terms of money and manpower. Case studies show that good OSH management in a business is linked to improved performance and profitability (EU-OSHA, 2021).
ESG Investing and Analysis
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance has become a business imperative. In recent years, the movement has grown in stature and importance, and it now guides the strategy and direction of all leading businesses. Investors, regulators, consumers, employees, and shareholders are increasingly requiring businesses to demonstrate strong ESG credentials. Based on a report by the Environmental Defence Fund, 93% of consumers will endeavour to hold businesses accountable for their impact on the environment. A research study by Zumente & Bistrova (2021), on the importance of ESG for long-term shareholder value creation, found that companies that display healthier ESG performances attain positive effects from better reputations and public image, potentially leading to easier attraction retention of employees as well as higher attributed customer loyalty, which increase the firm’s value in the long term.
How Safetyware Can Help?
Let’s work together in accelerating your business! As Malaysia’s leading Personal protective equipment (PPE) manufacturer and supplier, Safetyware Group Bhd (Safetyware) made its debut on the LEAP Market of Bursa Malaysia on Sept 9, 2022. Upon announcement of the listing date, the Group’s chief executive officer Mr. Wong Kee Wei shared that, “The main purpose of getting listed in Bursa Malaysia is to tap into the capital market to supercharge our growth. In addition, being a listed entity will also ensure better corporate governance and provide better career development opportunities for our employees.” Also, with the fundraising from the capital market, Safetyware Group Berhad will allocate part of the fund to the ESG segment. Apart from being an award-winning integrated safety & health solutions provider with close to 20 years of experience that provides one-stop OSH products & services, Safetyware too offers Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC), Ergonomic Assessment & Training, EHS Management Software Application (to be launched in the 1st quarter of 2023), and EHS training as well.
We have also expanded our distribution network nationally and internationally by establishing sales offices and more distributors throughout Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. Over the years, we have expanded our geographical reach into more than 20 countries, not only the neighbouring Asean countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand but also to China, Canada, United States and many more. To promote sustainable growth, Safetyware is now committed to encouraging good ESG practices in every firm.
explore more about Safetyware Group