Guide for F&B Businesses During the Recovery MCO (RMCO)

The Great Pandemic of 2020 has dramatically impacted the world including Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia. However, this nation has done remarkably well to contain the spread of Covid-19 within and without its borders. The efforts by the government, health authorities, frontliners, and essential workers, NGOs, and other parties, including the public’s cooperation, have saved and protected many lives while ensuring the country’s prospects for a better future. In fact, Malaysia’s example of successfully dealing with the crisis is considered exemplary, worldwide.



Prime Minister Tan Sri Muyihiddin Yassin announced on 7/6/20, further relaxing of restrictions of the Movement Control Order (MCO) – from that of Control MCO (CMCO) to the current Recovery MCO (RMCO), which took effect on 10/6/20 and scheduled to end on 31/8/20. The following guide is based on the updated RMCO-SOP established by the National Security Council (NSC) and Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI), subject to the Ministry of Health (MOH) guidelines and SOCSO employee testing standards. Therefore, cafe and restaurants operators should take-note and implement these SOPs in their daily operations to help control Covid-19 spread.

F&B SOP for Covid-19

SOP for Cafes and Restaurants

These eateries can now operate at normal operational and customer service hours at full workforce but are required to follow the RMCO-SOP. Meanwhile, Safetyware Sdn.Bhd. the notable international safety-ware manufacturer has a comprehensive range of safety products needed by cafes & restaurants to comply with the RMCO-SOP requirements.

One SOP caveat is the necessity for employers to ensure their workers, before a shift begins or operations start daily, are using face masks (some may need face shields) and their hands sanitized before entering the premises. Temperatures must be measured in-case of fever, and symptoms like cough, sore throat, and breathing difficulties must be identified also. Anyone having a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees Celsius (or suffering the above-mentioned symptoms), is not allowed into the premises. Instead, he should be sent to their panel clinic or the nearest health-clinic for checkup.


Range of SOP Facilitating Safety Tools

Workers rest/meal times should also be staggered and not all taking them at once. Sanitation of common areas like entrances, reception, and dining section including washrooms, toilets, kitchen, and rubbish collection areas should be maintained with minimum 3 rounds of daily disinfecting and cleaning routinesSafetyware produces hand-sanitizers, multi-surface sanitizersdisinfectants & cleanerswaterproof safety boots & coverallsN95 respiratorslatex examination gloves, and other items, that are internationally certified & manufactured.


Customer Social Distancing

At front entrances, wall or glass partition posters & signages, and floor tape & stickers are important to help remind and guide customers to exercise social distancing while waiting in line. Customers should wear face masks, have their temperatures checked and hands sanitized too, and having their required personal details recorded (name, contact no., NRIC no., and temperature readings) at the entrance. A table with a logbook for the above recordings besides a non-contact infra-red thermometer and an alcohol hand sanitizer should be made ready.

Inside, dining tables should be spaced-out 2 meters apart with floor stickers/tape, signages, and posters to remind patrons of the 1 meter apart social distancing and guiding human traffic. Tabletop partitions are also beneficial and do aid in controlling the spread of infections.


For further info on these SOP reinforcing safety tools, contact us today to find out how we can help you.


(NOTE: Workers and customers are now being required also to install the contact tracing Mysejahtera App that helps control Covid-19 spread, created recently and being made compulsory soon by the government, for entry to and use by all business premises & etc.)

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