SAFETYWARE Cryogen Safety Apparels

SAFETYWARE Cryogen Safety Apparels

SAFETYWARE Cryogen Safety Apparels

Models Available : SA-CRYO-A , SA-CRYO-GWR , SA-CRYO-GWP

Features :

  • Available in water-resistant and waterproof versions and have been tested to EN 511 (European Standard for Protective Gloves Against Cold) and other test methods such as the IFTH (Lyon, France) reference method for immersion in Liquid Nitrogen – ZL0102 (waterproof style only).
  • Aprons are made with the same waterproof materials as the gloves and provide full frontal splash protection. Note: Aprons and gloves are not for immersion in liquid cryogens.

Visit our online stores:

Art No. Description Length Unit
SA-CRYO-A SAFETYWARE Cryogenic Bib Apron 36″, 42″, 48″ pc
SA-CRYO-GWR SAFETYWARE Cryogenic Gloves /w Water Resistant Liner 12″, 15″, 18″ pair
SA-CRYO-GWP SAFETYWARE Cryogenic Gloves /w Waterproof Liner 12″, 15″, 18″, 27″ pair



Catalogue : SAFETYWARE Cryogen Safety Apparels